Our Story


Portobello Baptist Church was established in 1897. We met in various Porty-based buildings until, in 1919, we purchased our current building - the old town hall.

We’ve had a passion for mission from the start. Our congregation emerged through great risks and sacrifices from our earliest members.

Over 120+ years, we’ve enjoyed many leaders and different visions. As with any church, we’ve also endured our share of ups and downs. Through it all, Portobello Baptist has continued to serve Edinburgh’s seaside as well as join God’s mission beyond our shores.

People from our congregation have planted churches, served overseas, pioneered charities, and served our community here in Portobello as well.

And now we have the opportunity to continue Portobello Baptist Church’s faithful witness, exploring how we can live like Jesus in twenty-first century Porty.

Up for it?

 We’re also convinced that God’s active outside of a church on a Sunday. That’s why we’ve got these Community Stories - to showcase God’s goodness in the lives of ordinary Portobello disciples.

Find the whole playlist here.